Program Operating Dates and Closures
The Expanded Learning Program operates a year-round program. Parents will be asked to re-register each school year and summer session. Failure to do so may result in loss of a child’s spot.
During the school year, the program operates from 7-9 a.m./11:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (exact times depend on school site schedules). During the summer, the program will be open full days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We do not offer hourly care.
On holidays and school breaks, such as Winter and Spring Break, program hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Families will be notified of any change in this schedule with 30 days written notice.
The Expanded Learning Program closes on scheduled holidays in accordance with the District’s operating calendar. A schedule of dates the Program will be closed is provided to enrolled families each year via email. In addition, the program will post a reminder notice, and the calendar is available at any time on our website.
Here is a list of the days we are generally closed:
Independence Day Holiday | Depends on the day of week for July 4 |
Labor Day Holiday | Monday in September |
Veterans Day Holiday | Depends on day of the week for Nov. 11 |
Thanksgiving Holiday | Generally the Wednesday-Friday of Thanksgiving Week |
Winter Holiday | Usually the week between Christmas and New Years, but depends on the days of the week |
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday | Monday in January |
Lincoln's Day Holiday | Monday in February |
President's Day Holiday | Monday in February |
Spring Break Holiday | Changes every year according to CSEA/PUSD Contract |
Memorial Day Holiday | Monday in May |
Juneteenth Holiday | June 19 |