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Program Operating Dates and Closures

The Expanded Learning Program operates a year-round program. Parents will be asked to re-register each school year and summer session. Failure to do so may result in loss of a child’s spot.

During the school year, the program operates from 7-9 a.m./11:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (exact times depend on school site schedules). During the summer, the program will be open full days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We do not offer hourly care.

On holidays and school breaks, such as Winter and Spring Break, program hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Families will be notified of any change in this schedule with 30 days written notice.

The Expanded Learning Program closes on scheduled holidays in accordance with the District’s operating calendar. A schedule of dates the Program will be closed is provided to enrolled families each year via email. In addition, the program will post a reminder notice, and the calendar is available at any time on our website.

Here is a list of the days we are generally closed:

Independence Day Holiday Depends on the day of week for July 4
Labor Day Holiday Monday in September
Veterans Day Holiday Depends on day of the week for Nov. 11
Thanksgiving Holiday Generally the Wednesday-Friday of Thanksgiving Week
Winter Holiday Usually the week between Christmas and New Years, but depends on the days of the week
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Monday in January
Lincoln's Day Holiday Monday in February
President's Day Holiday Monday in February
Spring Break Holiday Changes every year according to CSEA/PUSD Contract
Memorial Day Holiday Monday in May
Juneteenth Holiday June 19